Alain Danet
Stability of complex food webs
Meet the Team
Current members
The people are what makes BioForge great! Here are the wonderful group members.

Alex Powell

Alina Smith

Andrew P. Beckerman
Ecologist (sometimes)

Dylan Childs
Population Dynamics

Gidey Yirga
Human-wildlife interactions

Hana Mayall
Multiple stressors

Laura Landon Blake

Matthew Clements
Population Dynamics

Penelope Blyth
Code Dependent

Tanya Strydom
🦖 DINOSAUR food webs

Thomas F. Johnson (Tom)
Big Data, Modelling, Biodiversity

Thomas Malpas
Birds (and some tipping points)

Xiaoxiao Li
Food web response to stress

Zuzanna Zagrodzka
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Past members
Many wonderful people have called BioForge home and have since gone on to do some amazing things. (While others never leave!)
Chris Griffiths
Eva Delmas
Thomas Guillerme
No matching items
We work with some incredible researchers spanning several continents. These collaborations keep our science great and make the process all the more fun and rewarding.