Downsampling networks


Tanya Strydom



September 20, 2024

Need to be clear about the fact that we are sometimes generating metawebs (all potential interactions) and sometimes realised networks (ones which are constrained in some way to reflect either foraging constraints or whatever)

What is downsampling?

Why do we want/need to downsample?

This is going to boil down to objectives… Something like a metaweb is useful in that it is going to give you an idea of diets/the potential prey of a species but going to be a poor representation of reality. When asking questions about ‘on the ground’ things that are happening you are going to need to be operating with networks that are closer to reality.

I wonder how much this is going to link back again to how we are measuring form and function - particularly at the scale within the network (micro, meso, macro, meta)…


Banville, Francis, Tanya Strydom, Penelope Blyth, Chris Brimacombe, Michael D. Catchen, Gabriel Dansereau, Gracielle Higino, et al. 2024. “Deciphering Probabilistic Species Interaction Networks,” July.
Dansereau, Gabriel, Ceres Barros, and Timothée Poisot. 2023. “Spatially Explicit Predictions of Food Web Structure from Regional Level Data,” September.
Roopnarine, Peter D. 2006. “Extinction Cascades and Catastrophe in Ancient Food Webs.” Paleobiology 32 (1): 1–19.