
Tanya Strydom



September 19, 2024

Linking structure and function to ecological processes

Section Overview

  • What do we mean by structure = a way in which we are ‘summarising’ the network (the architecture of the network).

  • What do we mean by form? (probably nebulous and poorly articulated in general, or at least not explicitly backed by firm eco theory)

    • species vs system?
  • But does form (structure) = function??

  • Also does the form-function link differ when thinking of bipartite/unipartite systems? I’m inclined to think that many of the ways in which we measure form has been developed in the context of bipartite systems and is there really an ecological reason that they will hold in unipartite systems?

  • See also Thompson et al. (2012) and Guimarães (2020)

Summarising networks

Delmas et al. (2019) gives a somewhat extensive overview of the different ways in which we can ‘summarise’ network properties (something akin to statistical moments) which is summarised in Table 1. Importantly we need to acknowledge that these summary statistics are ‘retrieved’ at different levels of organisation (scale) within the network. For example the in-degree is something that is determined on a by-species level (micro), but connectance is at the network (macro) level.

Table 1: Table with network summary statistics.
Summary Statistic (form) What Ref Ecological interpretation (function) Scale
Specificity Related to number of links at the species level Measure of (diet) specialisation Micro
Generaility/vulnerability (In/out degree) Number of prey/predators Schoener (1989), Williams and Martinez (2000) Position in food web e.g., top/basal species Micro
Degree distribution measures the probability (P(k)) that a species has k interactions within the network Micro
Centrality Estrada and Bodin (2008) Position of species in network. The idea of hubs… Macro
Motifs/graphlets Smaller interacting units/patterns between 3 species Milo et al. (2002), Stouffer and Bascompte (2010) Meso
Shortest path Shortest path from species a to a basal species diameter, perturbation, food chain length Meso
Links Number of links in the network Macro
Connectance The number realised links compared to the number of potential links Martinez (1992) Macro
Nestedness Interactions forming a subset of others - diets being subsets of others Bastolla et al. (2009) Macro
Clustering/modularity Non-interacting units/clusters of species (opposite of nestedness?) Watts and Strogatz (1998) Macro
Intervaility ‘ordination’ of a network. How much can the network be described by a single trait Eklöf and Stouffer (2016) Macro
Complexity A representation of links between species in a system Strydom, Dalla Riva, and Poisot (2021), Riva et al. (2023) Macro
\(\beta\)-diversity Poisot et al. (2012) Meta

What do we want to learn from networks?

This is probably just going to churn up thoughts of existential dread…


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Schoener, Thomas W. 1989. “Food Webs from the Small to the Large.” Ecology 70 (6): 1559–89.
Stouffer, Daniel B., and Jordi Bascompte. 2010. “Understanding Food-Web Persistence from Local to Global Scales.” Ecology Letters 13 (2): 154–61.
Strydom, Tanya, Giulio V. Dalla Riva, and Timothée Poisot. 2021. “SVD Entropy Reveals the High Complexity of Ecological Networks.” Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9.
Thompson, Ross M., Ulrich Brose, Jennifer Dunne, Robert O. Hall, Sally Hladyz, Roger L. Kitching, Neo D. Martinez, et al. 2012. “Food Webs: Reconciling the Structure and Function of Biodiversity.” Trends in Ecology & Evolution 27 (12): 689–97.
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